Somewhere along the line in my blogging journey, my attentions shifted from my blog to Instagram. If you follow me in both places, you’ve undoubtedly noticed. While there are still distinct differences in what I do on each platform, I realized I could do better at sharing the bookstagram things here on the blog. So, that became one of my goals for 2021!
If you do follow me on Instagram, you likely know I’m a bit of a story template creating fiend. Why do I only let them live in my highlights on Insta? Shouldn’t I make them easier for others to find? Well, I’m going to do just that going forward. Starting with my “new for 2021” monthly TBR templates.
Like them? You can download the full set at
Please use and share. Tag me if you’d like. (I do love seeing what others are reading and how they use my templates!) Just don’t, you know, sell them or crop my name off when you share. 😉
I’ve updated the menu structure on my site, so under Tips & Tricks you’ll now find a section specifically for bookstagram. Not only will I be sharing my templates there, I’m also hoping to do more tutorials and the like as well. So stay tuned!
Let’s Chat
Do you bookstagram?
What’s your handle?
Do you make a monthly TBR?
And, more importantly, do you stick to your monthly TBR?