It was touch and go for a little while, but the Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge is returning for 2023! I know there is no shortage of TBR-based challenges out there. I’m not the only blogger or reader who struggles with this. If you’re looking to tackle YOUR TBR and want a low-key challenge to help you along the way, the Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge might be right up your alley. I hope you’ll join me.
Challenge Details
- The 2023 Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge runs from January 1 – December 31, 2023. You can join at any time.
- The goal is to read at least ONE book from your TBR every month. It can be an ARC, ebook, audiobook or print – your choice. Any reading is good reading!
- If one TBR book a month isn’t enough, set your goal higher! Do you think you can read five a month? Ten? Go big or go home! There are some goal levels below if that’s your thing.
- You don’t have to be a blogger to participate. You can track your progress on Goodreads, Insta, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube… wherever you want!
- Use #TackleMyTBR2023 on social media.
- Feel free to use the banner graphic on your posts and/or social media.
- Comment and let me know if you’re in!
- Tell your friends! [Shorter link for sharing:]
Challenge Levels
Back again this year: challenge levels! (Unsurprising to anyone who knows me, they’re football-themed.) Pick a level, any level! (These are all based on a 1-5+ books per month average.)
- Safety: read 12 TBR books
- Blitz: read 13-24 TBR books
- First Down: read 25-36 TBR books
- Field Goal: read 37-48 TBR books
- Hail Mary: read 49-60 TBR books
- Touchdown: read 61+ TBR books
And because reviewing is so important, I’ve added a couple of bonus levels!
- Extra Point: review half of the TBR books you read
- Two-Point Conversion: review all the TBR books you read
Tracking Templates
Also, back this year: Story templates for tracking your progress on Instagram! (Or anywhere, really.) You can find them in my Instagram highlights but can download the full-res versions from Dropbox if that’s easier.
I’m also introducing two fun new grid trackers for this year’s challenge! The first is a monthly grid that you can use as you read. The second allows you to track all of your “monthly-theme” reads in one place if you’re doing those.
That leads me to…
Monthly Themes
But wait, there’s more! Monthly themes! You can choose to follow the themes or not. It’s totally up to you. (And, just for the record, not ALL the books you read that month have to meet the theme. One is just fine.) They’re fairly vague and totally open for interpretation. There are no hard and fast rules here!
- January: Published in 2022
- February: Favorite Romance Trope
- March: TV/Movie Adaptation
- April: Debut or New-to-You Author
- May: Favorite Genre
- June: Diverse Read
- July: Summery Read
- August: Fall Vibes
- September: On Your TBR the Longest
- October: Spooky/Suspenseful Read
- November: Unfinished Series
- December: Winter/Holiday Read
Bingo is Back!
Who doesn’t love a good bingo card on Instagram? I know I do! To keep this year-long challenge fresh, I decided to add a quarterly bingo card challenge as well. It’s totally optional, of course. You can download this card, along with the cards for the three other quarters of the year, from Dropbox or you can screenshot it from my Instagram highlights.
Goal Tracking
It’s up to you to track your goal however you’d like. I plan on including my own update in my monthly That’s a Wrap post. I’ll also be tracking on Instagram and on a Goodreads shelf dedicated to the Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge. You do whatever works for you.
Happy reading, friends!

Let’s Chat
Are you participating in the Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge?
What’s your goal?
Yay! I didn’t see any posts since mid 2022, so wasn’t sure if you’d be doing this again. Not that I was successful with it last year, but I’m trying again this year!
Okay, I got my goals set here: